Raw Shea and Comfrey Goo
Rich shea-butter base solid lotion; this formulation is intended for extreme dry skin and skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Also good for cracking fingers and extreme winter dry skin conditions, sunburns, kitchen burns, scuffs, scrapes, cracks in your heels or hands.... if it's burned or scuffed, comfrey can heal it. Like all the goos, a little goes a long way--a 2 oz. jar should coat an adult head to toe for about 2 months. It's organic, it's relatively soft; in hot weather it will melt and go liquid. Just stick it in the fridge.
Every Goo Has A Story:
I first started playing with comfrey (known as healall, or bone-knit in the middle ages) as a solution for a friend's cat who had an extreme condition that acted like psoriasis. The cat's fur would periodically fall out and she would smell "like something dead"..... since the vet's steroid shots weren't really working anymore and the cat was getting older, my friend was considering putting her out of her suffering. I tried a mix with comfrey, shea butter, and a couple other things... Kitty started having an attack on a Friday, and by Monday she was so much better that they decided to not take her to the vet!
More tweaking resulted in a salve for the husband, who we decided was basically allergic to his own feet-- they would dry out, itch, crack, peel, and even bleed; something that was happening for years. (it wasn't athletes' foot--he was tested for that, and that wasn't it.) The raw shea butter/comfrey formulation keeps the symptoms under control, for the first time since he was 14.
Since then, the Raw Shea Comfrey Goo has gained a cult following amongst friends and family--one friend uses it on surgery scars (astonishing her surgeons on followup--they apparently have healed much more thoroughly than they "should")...another friend uses it on her dog's feet for winter cracking, and also on their "hot spots" when they get those. Raw Shea Comfrey Goo has been used with success on cooking burns (I know of two restaurants that kept a jar in the kitchen for fryolator burns), cracked winter fingers, healing up tattoos, epic sunburns--I do mean EPIC--winter dry-cold-weather rashes, and voted the Most Unusual, a friend was driving home and used tiny bits on his windshield wipers to keep them from icing up. (Uh, not recommended.)
As an all-around healing salve, it's fantastic! However, I do have a Comfrey Caution. Comfrey can heal anything, astoundingly fast. Therefore, make darn sure that the area is free of infection first, or the skin will heal right over the infection. In this vein, I will tell you I should have read my own warnings, because I used Raw Shea Comfrey Goo on a healing cut on my leg a bit too soon, and had to reopen it. I really, really can't recommend that, and I have a really LARGE scar to serve as caution.
Contents: Raw Shea Butter, Soy Oil, Beeswax, Infused Comfrey and Nettle, TeaTree, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Vitamin E