News — renaissance faires
Hey, I love your costume! Did you make that? (spoiler--only parts)
advice clothing corsets costuming renaissance faires
Working at renaissance faires, I get a lot of questions about my outfits. I'm fond of gaudy, but the outlines of what I typically wear are based on 16th century upperclass merchant garb: bodice, chemise, skirt. Now, I can sew, but I'm not patient enough to mess with corset-making; chemises are easy, as are tunics and drawstring skirts (which are two of the components of what I wear to faire--google, you'll find a million designs) but when it comes to corsets, I buy cheap ones from the purveyors of naughty underwear on Ebay and I've had remarkably good luck. A...
Advice for Renaissance Faire Merchants--dealing with shows
advice merchanting life new shows renaissance faires
I get asked a LOT for advice for folks starting out in an arts and crafts business, and I've given this advice in bits and pieces before, but this I wrote in response to a blog post my friend made, and all of it is valid. As a merchant I have a few golden rules about events: --if the show is new, give them a chance. Usually 2-3 years to really get rolling. (If you go, don't make money, AND they're nasty and mean to you, don't go back, but if they're nice and you have fun, give them a...