Antika Nueva's Black Friday/Cyber Monday Policy
When You Have A Hammer, Everything Looks Like A Nail
We all get in ruts fixing things; we all have our favored solutions. Not surprisingly, I tend to grab a chunk of wire. Since I'm also often on a faire site and we're pretty used to improvisation, I end up wire-wrapping some things that I'm pretty sure shouldn't be wire-wrapped but hey, if it holds up your tent/gets you home, who can argue? Sometimes I get asked what the weirdest thing is that I've taken wire to. It's awfully hard to pick just one, so instead, here is a list: --Teeth. Oddly enough, never a shark's tooth, but I have...
The Different Schools of Wire-Wrap Jewelry
inspiration jewelry wire wrap jewelry
Why Petroleum In Body Products Is The Devil
wrote this a while ago: reprinting because still true. Ok, it's wet, so it's another Petroleum products in skincare are the devil. Nothing gets me shrieking faster than running through the bodycare products aisle at the store and seeing product after product with petroleum in it. Especially ones that are supposed to "moisturize the skin". Why? BECAUSE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DON'T SINK INTO YOUR SKIN. AT ALL. Go look up "petrolatum" on Wikipedia. Commonest ingredient in the skincare industry. And it says, right there--"does not absorb into skin". There are a rare few occasions...
Another Good Sale story
faire life good sale retail stories why i do this
(wrote this a while ago... lovely memory.) Good sales, to me, come in all shapes and sizes. Granted, I'm excited when someone plonks a lot of cash in my booth--booyah, woodpile money! But sometimes the ones that mean the most are the sales when someone finds the exact thing that fits them or helps them, or makes them feel good, or good about themselves. I had one of those today. It was COLD at the farmer's market. My friend Lisa-the-baker and I were grumbling and shivering, and along comes a young guy in a baseball cap--nice kid. Says...